Whether as a singer, actress, producer or investor, Minh Hang has never had to struggle in any of these roles. And, surprising though it seems, there is but one guiding thread that helps her stand her ground and make a personal mark in every field she steps on – “courage”.

Greetings “film producer” Minh Hang, after your first successful movie as a producer and investor, do you think this is an official and deserving calling?
The truth is, before becoming a film producer, I have tested the waters as a film investor for over 5 years to grasp an understanding of the Vietnamese market and audience. Thanks to this, I was able to realize what the audience need and whether it falls in my strong suit. It’s a process of trial and error, and every error comes with a cost, mine was the numerous unsuccessful projects before I got where I am today. Everything has its own course, I have spent the last 5 years studying, and now is the time to “practice”, to immerse deeper in the field that I hope to commit to for a long time. One thing is certain, being a producer is one of my major objectives in the future, and I intend to proceed in a more thorough and professional manner.
Being a performance artist and a businesswoman, do you feel the need to separate your roles in these two inherently different fields?
Besides movies and films, I have also invested in other business areas, including cosmetics, for several years. I’ve realized that an artist is often influenced by their emotions, while in business, you must possess a sharp mind for strategies and a flexible control of the figures. Understandably enough, the world of business was overwhelming for me in the beginning, and finding a way to harmonize between these two roles became a inevitable challenge. But it was also the business environment that has taught me some of the most valuable lessons in administration and financials, which now enable me to fulfill my role as a producer more smoothly and logically. If I were a CEO, I don’t suppose I could separate these two roles, an artist, and an administrator, which is why I’ve decided to only participate in sketching major strategies and focus on the more creativity-related tasks in the company’s projects. Each period requires an appropriate decision. So, if there comes a time when I feel confident enough to hold a more administrative position and to create more values for the company and its people, I will gladly take it.
At this point in your business adventure, what do you think is the greatest lesson you’ve learned? Are you confident enough to call yourself a “businesswoman”?
The greatest lesson I’ve received is how to lead yourself. In order to convince others, you must be able to do what you say, that is how trust begins. I’ve come to realize, during this process, that time cannot be wasted, but must be utilized in even the smallest step we take. If you cannot win from these smallest steps, how can you lead yourself. An artist is often used to warm reception everywhere they go, but when working at the company, I’m just another staff like everyone else. This is a mindset adjustment that I’m pleased to have achieved, as I always try to be present in every meeting, getting to know the job from the lowest level and even the most unrelated areas of work. In doing so, I was able to understand what is needed in each position and run a smooth business remotely.
I’ve thought about the calling “businesswoman”, and I certainly hope to achieve it in the future, although there is much learning and improving to be done on my part. What I take most pride in throughout this business adventure is how I’ve learnt to compose myself. Whether as an artist or a businesswoman, I’d never get complacent, but keep moving forward to catch up with the current trend.
So, what are the strengths of “businesswoman” Minh Hang?
I see creativity as one of the most outstanding strengths, which allows me to create certain appealing values for my products. No matter which field you work in, the product or service you provide must have a clear set of values. And for me, a product’s goal is not merely revenues and profits. It begins with listening to the need of the people and ends with satisfying that need. Movies that carry a humanitarian message certainly has their values, but so do commercially successful ones, that is, they satisfy the need of the many. That is why I always require my film products to deliver a breakthrough value, an impressive communicative message that helps people understand not only the movie itself, but also what my company is and where it stands in the market. I used to be limited to the materials in my personal life, but now as a businesswoman, I’ve learnt how to borrow those of the people around me to bring about a more proper creation, and a greater value than my own experience could ever provide.
What about your artistic side, do you have to put a restraint on it when stepping into the business field?
An artist’s ego is the distinctive expression of their personality, and an artistic work is what they put their utmost pride in. Art has been a cradle that nurtures my soul and heightens my creations. But in business, I’m aware that I’m back at the starting point, which requires me to lower my ego at times, open my ears, look straight at my shortcomings and be willing to learn. This took me a lot of practice and fighting inside my head, in order to keep a rein on my heavily emotional and artistic ego and, in turn, to be successful in business.
A while back when I was working only as an artist, I didn’t feel the need to communicate or open myself to another person’s opinion, but as I started doing business, by lowering my ego and learning from everybody’s experience and wise instructions, my eyes were truly opened, and I felt like living a completely differently life. The many years I spent as an artist, on the other hand, has given me the strength and courage to step forward, which eased my way into the world of business. The two fields may seem unrelated to each other, but they turn out to have quite a lot of similarities and, together, have got me to where I am today.

At a more mature age now, does Minh Hang feel proud of her career journey so far? How has your experience affected your perspective on failure?
I am proud of what I have achieved, but I cannot be content with it for there are still much to be done. The young and timid Minh Hang back in the day wouldn’t have imagined what an extraordinary world she has discovered and explored. What I’m most proud of, therefore, is the courage to experience, which has brought me to the beautiful things that I’m enjoying today.
In the past, I invested in many films just because … I liked it, and the same goes for music, which explains why I failed too many a time. But I do believe that, if success had come with just a few first steps, and without paying any cost or earning any experience, I would never know how to improve myself and would be completely in the dark as to what the next steps should be. Thus, I consider failure an inevitable part of life and as long as we have the courage to step forward, in the end we will have nothing to regret.
In your opinion, how should the young generation define their passion and choose a path to success?
The youth nowadays have access to a large number of assistive tools for future planning. They can go straight to the point and describe their dream in detail, but for my generation, everything was vague, we just did what our heart and mind told us to. I was fortunate to find success at an early age, but there were also opportunities that I missed. Sometimes, a person’s greatest strength doesn’t align with their passion, and it is important that they have someone with enough wisdom to show them the way. That’s why young people should open their mind and reach out further, and perhaps a fleeting yet honest advice from a stranger could bring clarity to your mind and change the course of your future.
Do you think we should turn “aspirations” into “ambitions” to motivate ourselves in our career?
Everything comes down to our personal choice. As for me, I don’t see ambition as evil. Quite the contrary, ambition is actually beneficial for one’s career, as it gives you the much-needed thrust to charge forward and encounter even more opportunities. While aspiration seems grandiose and intangible, ambition leads us to very specific goals. People often think bold decisions are made in times of uncertainty, but that’s far from the truth, bold decisions are made when a person knows the stakes and considers it anyway.
Do you suppose there is a stop in a woman’s career? How do we always advance in our career and not fall behind?
I used to think there is, but not anymore. There will be no stop for a woman on the conquest of her career. Keep going as long as you have the ability, ambition, and desire to, keep going until you feel tired and want to stop to have a look around, that’s when you stop. Don’t limit yourself by setting out with a definite stop, sometimes we do things for no particular reason, just as long as we enjoy it.
To be always on the move, keep learning, stay away from people with negative energy, and don’t stop expanding your relationship. When you see everyone going ahead, there’s no reason for you to stop. No matter how fast or slow, no matter if you crawl or roll, you can never fall behind, right?

What type of woman do you think you are in life?
I’m the balanced type, and I believe successful people are those who know how to balance their life. Too much of anything is good for nothing, if you spend too much time on work, your life will lose all its colors and spices. I used to claim that I would stop working as an artist after getting married, but I know now I was wrong (Grinning). I’m getting married soon, but I’m still working as an artist, with even more enthusiasm and freedom. I know my perspectives have change, and the world is not what I used to think it is. We can have everything if we know how to organize our lives logically. No matter who you are, you can always take care of your family and those around you without making any sacrifice.
Do you think women who are successful in their career can also succeed in their personal life?
Absolutely! After many years, I feel that a successful woman can hold something in, and let it go just as easily. I used to think that there can only be one choice between career and love, but what if I want both. Then I’d have to portion my time and energy for each of those pieces of life, the divide need not be too specific, but there has to be one. Even in love, I always discuss with my other half the milestones that I wish to achieve. Likewise, if he is interested in investing in any area, I will join him. I want our stories to have something in common, so that we can be together in every “battlefield”. Not only is this a way of showing mutual respect, it is also a bonding agent for our love life.
Do you think a woman’s stability is different from others? Do you suppose your life is stable at the moment?
It is the stability in emotion and in mind that helps us stabilize everything around us. A stable mentality means everything is fine and vice versa. As an artist, I get the feeling of uncertainty at times, fearing that the audience may adore you one day and abandon you the next. But as a businesswoman, I can feel the balance in everything, I’ve learnt to calm my mind and not be easily swayed by the external forces. At the moment, I am fully at peace and feel even more powerful from within (Grinning).
Thank you for sharing!

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