INTERVIEW | CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo

INTERVIEW | CEO, Việt Nữ – Biện Thị Thanh Thảo: Mutual trust breeds motivation!

With several years of experience as a chief accountant, Mrs. Biện Thị Thanh Thảo has once again taken a step up in her career with a promotion to CEO of Viet Nu Company. The unanimous trust in her, along with her own competence, has led to her devoted efforts over the past 20 years coming to successful fruition.

Despite becoming the leader of Viet Nu, a 20-year-old business in the health and beauty care market in Vietnam, businesswoman Biện Thị Thanh Thảo still exudes a humble, modest, and approachable vibe. No longer confined to the monotonous figures and numbers of finance and accounting, Mrs. Biện Thị Thanh Thảo has made several adjustments to fit her new role as a company leader. Such swift adaptation could not have been achieved without the trust of her superiors and the entire staff. Another factor that helps a leader quickly adapt to the unpredictable changes of the market, as well as the younger workforce generation, she believes, is a never-ending spirit of learning.


Greetings, could you start by telling us what kind of changes this advancement in your career journey has brought about?

The promotion from chief accountant to CEO has brought about several changes in both my work and life. First and foremost, it has introduced a major shift in my responsibilities, skills, and mindset. As a chief accountant, my top priority was to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the company’s financial reports, as well as their compliance with regulations. However, as a CEO, my priority has now become organizing the company’s general strategy and long-term plans, while promoting its vision and mission.

Next is the growth in my mindset, from that of a manager – a chief accountant – to that of a leader – a CEO. While a chief accountant handles the company’s personnel within a certain scope, as a CEO, I am responsible for the entire organization, setting its direction, making important decisions, and acting as a source of motivation and inspiration for all employees.

CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo

A chief accountant is responsible for a company’s financial accuracy and compliance, whereas a CEO must consider the overall productivity and performance. The essential tasks of a CEO are to achieve financial goals, reach growth targets, and ensure the company’s overall success.

I have learned a lot since then, from long-term strategy development to administration and decision-making in many unfamiliar areas. However, there is still much to learn, such as improving management efficiency and coordination, and training and delegating power to my subordinates to avoid becoming overwhelmed. It has been a hectic process of learning and working simultaneously, listening to feedback, and adjusting myself to fit the new position. The self-transformation I have undergone proves the old adage truer than ever: ‘Careers choose people, not the other way around.’ In retrospect, I find it a valuable experience and consider myself fortunate to have adapted to such rapid changes in the field of business. A truly honorable experience!

Do you consider your career path a smooth or bumpy one?

I suppose that my expertise in finance may serve as an advantage, giving me better insight into how to run a company. However, such seniority in one position also poses a challenge when taking on a new one, forcing me to adapt to a more suitable mindset. Indeed, a chief accountant can be very meticulous and rigid when it comes to numbers; everything has to be by the book. But this can become an obstacle in business, which requires a more open mindset and some risk-taking. It has been a difficult challenge, at least for me. That being said, I have been learning from my predecessors and from my own failures, and, counting my blessings, everything has turned out rather optimistic for me and Viet Nu

What do you consider the biggest challenges in your career, and how have you managed to overcome them?

Every business has its highs and lows, and for us, the 2017-2018 period was a perfect example. Viet Nu’s main focus used to be pharmaceuticals, but there was a time when the company lost all of its major products, nearly bringing our business to a halt with prolonged financial instability. The hardship was finally overcome, though with enormous struggle, and I found myself at a crossroads between staying and leaving.

CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo

Even in such times of doubt, I held on to the belief that it’s better to find a solution rather than someone to blame. I am also indebted to the encouragement and counsel of my family, the staff, and especially my superior. He was the one who gave me the confidence and authority to resolve the problems, which bolstered my decision to continue my journey with Viet Nu and find a more suitable direction for the company. We decided to restructure, switching our focus from pharmaceuticals to cosmeceuticals. Fortunately, the market for cosmeceuticals was also growing, helping Viet Nu get out of the red.

Being able to survive such hardships and achieve our current successes owes a great deal to the collective efforts and unified spirit of the entire Viet Nu team. What I did was simply listen to and sift through their opinions to make the appropriate decisions. I am just a guide, a bonding agent, one who helps them make decisions during tough times.

With your experience running a cosmeceuticals company such as Viet Nu, how do you think the health and beauty care market in Vietnam has evolved?

Vietnamese people nowadays have a greater concern for their health and beauty, leading to a rise in demand for cosmetics and skincare products. In recent years, despite the not-so-optimistic growth of Vietnam’s industry as a whole, with some areas even experiencing negative growth, the cosmeceuticals market remains positive.

According to Mintel, a global market research firm, the cosmetics market in Vietnam is enjoying an annual growth rate of over 3%, which is projected to continue until 2027. This is one of the areas that were not affected by the pandemic or market fluctuations. This might be due to the fact that the younger generation now has a better awareness of skincare from an earlier age. Even middle and high school students know how to use skin cleansing products and apply sunscreen when heading outside. And it’s not just women, but also men who are becoming more interested in this matter. Even I, who only knew of face cleansers before, have started to look into other products to take better care of my skin. All in all, I believe that Vietnamese people are increasing their budgets for skincare and beauty products, becoming the major driving force for the market’s development.

With such remarkable growth in sight, how does Viet Nu plan to adapt to the market’s rising demand?

Viet Nu currently offers a wide range of well-received products. Our most popular brand among the youth is perhaps SVR, particularly the Sebiaclear product line for oily and acne-prone skin. Additionally, we market anti-aging products and those for atopic dermatitis treatment. Besides SVR, we also offer the Topicrem brand, which specializes in sensitive skin, and Corine de Farme, which includes baby products such as shampoo, body wash, and nappy rash cream. There are, of course, female-exclusive products like Corine de Farme’s Intimate Feminine Hygienic Wash and Tippys Makeup Remover Pads. At the end of 2023, we also began distributing GliSODin anti-aging oral pills for middle-aged women. All of our products are imported from France, ensuring they are authentic and compliant with strict production procedures and European quality standards.

CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo

In a market teeming with competitors, a company’s survival depends on how much value it can bring to consumers through product diversity, quality, and affordability. In addition to quality, we are also focusing on “green” products, as consumers are increasingly interested in products that are safe and healthy, use natural ingredients, and have minimal resource waste and environmental impact.

Furthermore, we are enhancing our online sales channels, establishing an official store on various e-commerce platforms. Our new community, “Chăm Da Đẹp Tự Nhiên” (Natural Skin Care), on TikTok, will offer beauty tips and advice on choosing the most suitable products for each distinctive skin type. We will also promote livestream sales to meet market demand, particularly among young people.

What kind of strategy do you have planned for the long-term and sustainable development of the company?

Viet Nu will be marking its 20th year of operation in 2024, a journey that has allowed it to secure a standing in the market. From this milestone onward, and with the motto ‘Your vision, our commitment,’ we aim to become a leading health and beauty care supplier and distributor in Vietnam, offering high-quality products and valuable services to millions of domestic consumers.

We are also planning to diversify our product range and expand our distribution channels. Viet Nu is not only seeking potential customers but also strengthening its bonds with the company’s long-standing clients.

Another business sector we would like to expand in the upcoming years is cosmeceuticals services, import, and distribution, all while maintaining a friendly and healthy working environment for our employees.

Besides our business operations, in 2023, Viet Nu has also fulfilled its social responsibilities through various contributions to the community. A portion of the revenues from Corine de Farme product sales was donated to Operation Smile Fund, bringing more smiles to children with cleft palate conditions. At the same time, the Topicrem and SVR brands co-sponsored a running competition organized by one of our business partners to raise donations for underprivileged children in the form of clothes, school supplies, and other amenities. With SVR in particular, part of the revenues from our campaign ‘International Coastal Cleanup – Vì Màu Xanh Biển Cả’ were used to produce 1,000 environment-friendly fabric bags, which were given to the people in Can Gio district in an effort to reduce single-use plastic waste.


Have there been any changes in your leadership style with the change in your position? And do you have any set principles of administration?

In fact, I don’t have a specific leadership style, but one that adapts to my current position. As a chief accountant, I had to act as a manager, ensuring that the accounting department fulfilled its financial tasks in a proper, timely, and accurate manner. A chief accountant needs to be prudent in thinking and rigid in upholding accounting standards and managing risks. However, as a CEO, who is more concerned with the broader business, I must keep a more open mind.

I understand that investments and compromises are necessary for every department to achieve their goals. As for a set principle of administration, I believe that the highest priority when facing any problem is to resolve it as quickly as possible. Only after the situation has been settled do I begin to investigate the root cause of the problem and draw lessons for the future. Since we are a service-providing company, it is crucial to develop time-efficient problem-solving protocols to earn our clients’ trust and loyalty. Therefore, my dominant principle of administration is to make decisions and solve problems as swiftly as possible.

Have you ever let your emotions or personal thinking get in the way of important decisions? As a seasoned businesswoman with prudent thinking, do you believe in intuition, especially in pivotal moments?

Emotions can be influenced by various factors, but I believe that managing emotions is a crucial skill for a good leader. Therefore, I always make an effort to keep my personal feelings separate from work. During important inter-departmental meetings, if a conflict of opinions arises, I will pause the meeting. I use this time to reflect on the entire discussion, including the opinions and suggestions made. Since the final decision rests with me, I prefer to take my time rather than rush and make a mistake. It’s not always necessary to move quickly; sometimes, staying calm is more effective.

I do believe in intuition, but mainly when it comes to personnel-related matters. When recruiting high-level staff, I consider their experience and competence, as well as my own instincts during the conversation. However, for significant business decisions, I rely on concrete facts and statistical data from a multidimensional perspective rather than intuition.

As of now, what makes you most proud of yourself and your staff?

Viet Nu will be celebrating its 20 years of operation in 2024, and I am immensely proud of having been a part of this journey for almost its entire duration. Viet Nu has established a strong presence in the cosmeceuticals market, with its products being well-recognized among consumers. This success is due to our youthful, passionate, and energetic staff who have consistently supported me in our new projects. They have been the key to Viet Nu’s success, with me serving primarily as a companion, advisor, and decision-maker at crucial moments. The company’s achievements are a result of our collective efforts, not just my own.

Is there any difficulty when running such a young crew?

Viet Nu’s staff is a blend of experienced personnel who have been with the company for a long time and the younger generation – fresh university graduates. Because they are young, they tend to have more open minds and can easily adapt to new opinions or suggestions.

CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo

I appreciate those with bold ideas, which may very well turn into success stories, and young people are particularly full of such innovative thoughts. Additionally, working with the younger generation can be a learning experience, and it often feels like I’m also becoming younger. I have adapted my approach to better align with the young workforce. At Viet Nu, before any meeting, I encourage everyone to exchange opinions and agree on which suggestions to propose. During the meeting, we then discuss which suggestion is the most appropriate solution.

In short, the biggest challenge in leading a company is managing its people. But no matter how significant the generation gap may be, I believe that working with them is an amazing experience!


Has your life been affected more by your work now than before? How do you keep all of your roles in life balanced?

From chief accountant to CEO, my life has remained relatively unaffected. The key is time management, which helps me stay free from the pressure and stress of work. This is why changes in my job position do not significantly impact my personal life. I arrive at work at six o’clock every morning and give it my all. When work is done, I return to my family.

How do you see yourself as a woman after embracing a business career?

The main change since becoming a businesswoman is the increased attention I pay to my outer appearance. Viet Nu operates in the cosmeceuticals industry, which is closely related to beauty care, and as the face of the company, I meet with customers and partners regularly. For this reason, I understand the importance of a pleasant appearance when making a good impression. That being said, I have always remained the same modest and humble person. Becoming a boss hasn’t changed my nature; I have not turned into a different, more flashy person.

What kind of daily health and beauty care products do you use?

I used to be quite uninformed about skincare. During university, I only used a face cleanser, and that didn’t change even after I got married. Now that I work at Viet Nu, I use only our company’s products. For example, I use the SVR Physiopure Gelee Moussante face cleanser, Topicrem Hydra+ Protective Day Cream SPF50 sunscreen, and even test the GliSODin anti-aging pills. While I may not be an expert in the field, I’ve learned a great deal about proper skin care through our business and from those who are true experts. I like to think I’m quite knowledgeable about skincare now (grinning).

Although I may not have extensive knowledge in cosmeceuticals, 90% of my business department are pharmacists, and even those in the training department are field experts. I’ve tried to learn more about our products, but professionally speaking, the specialists at Viet Nu are definitely more capable than I am.

How do you define beauty for a woman?

In my opinion, a woman is most beautiful when she is confident. Believing in yourself and having faith that you will succeed in whatever you do – that’s when you truly shine.

CEO, Việt Nữ, Biện Thị Thanh Thảo


From the perspective of a businesswoman, how do you define success?

For me, success means achieving the goals you set out to accomplish. It also involves finding a balance between work and life.


Can you pick 3 words that best describe your personality?
Modest – Humble – Resilient

How do you relieve stress from work?
I’m a family person, so I prefer spending time after work and on weekends with my husband and children. Occasionally, I enjoy hanging out with friends and having some small talk over a few pints of beer.

Is there a quote that you often remind yourself of when facing difficulties?
Hardship is only temporary. Everything will pass.

Content Director: MINH NGUYEN | Creative Director: HIEPLEDUC | Editor: THU HIỀN | Photo: THẠC TRƯỜNG GIANG | Makeup: VIỄN DƯƠNG

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